

" Adela-Adriana Moscu adds a breath of charm to our Live Poets Society meetings with her lilting voice and lyrical poetry. We are happy to be able to hold a book of her poems in our hands to reread many times so we can fully appreciate her spirit." Lynn Fetterolf - Vice PRESIDENT of PA Poetry Society & facilitator of Live Poets Society Poetry Readings of Lancaster & York, PA, USA
" Celebrating her beloved Romania and her adopted America, Adela-Adriana clearly delights in ordinary events, and is able to articulate her wistfulness and dreams." Debberae Streett & Rich Hemmings, Founders of Poetry Brew, USA
" Paseste parca pe valuri de romantism, plutind intr-un dans al trairilor dense, discret presarate cu un voal ce cade lin in urma - amintiri si ganduri de dragoste invaluind si conturand un radical subsiduu : misterul unei femei remarcabile." Andrei Ghejan, ROMANIA
" As spune ca - precum o CLIPA - sufletul poetei Adela-Adriana Moscu marturiseste POEZIA IUBIRII IN LUMINA UNUI VIS... ca o "NEVOIE DE PACE", ca "O ZI ROZ" intr-o "DARUIRE TOTALA" a simtirii si apropierii "PRINTRE STRAINI", pana "LA MARGINEA ALBEI VERI" din "MINUNEA JOCULUI DE CUVINTE"... cand toata "NATURA DANSEAZA CU MINE"." ing. RATIU IOAN - Poet, Bucuresti, ROMANIA
"Adela-Adriana's DANSUL DORULUI - THE DANCE OF LONGING is a poetic refrain, an annotated journal of love and longing continuously implicated in each poem. Weaving images of longing and searching through the hours and seasons of her life, moments of both human tragedy and triumph, her poetic quest is in itself the cure... the panacea. In the poem Where I come from, she turns full circle to the utopic consummation of her cravings. Akin to the poetic masterpiece "Gitanjali", by Rabindranath Tagore, Adela-Adriana offers the human crisis of love and longing as the most intimate, sacred and universal expression of the human soul."
Jan Protopapas PhD candidate Ethnomusicology, University of Maryland, USA
" Adela-Adriana MOSCU - un nume, un suflet sensibil, un militant pentru inefabilul lumii paravanat de metaforele care fac referire la visurile despre pace si libertate, un reprezentant al românimii din diaspora si, nu în ultimul rând, un om a c?rui viziune despre via?? se împlete?te subsidiar cu multitudinea de calit??i dobândite dimpreun? cu experien?ele pe care le-a parcurs, d?ruindu-i speran?a ?i ambi?ia de a-si continua "dansul" în lumina generatoare de zâmbet si armonie; printre multe altele, femeia care a purtat în pântecul creatiei rezultatul dragostei pentru cultur?, pentru frumos."  ing. Dan SÎRBU - Poet, Timisoara, Romania
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